The main excuse to come to Hawaii was my friend's wedding. Travis and I grew up together from childhood and his sister Kim, was getting married. To be honest, I used to be against outdoor weddings. There's just too much that could go wrong like rainstorms, wind, asteroid showers- well okay maybe not asteroid showers but the former are valid concerns that are really uncontrollable. However, I've been to more outdoor weddings in the last couple years than my entire lifetime before. My sister in Alaska, my friend Jason in Wyoming and now Kim's in Hawaii. They were all beautiful and added an element that just couldn't be obtained indoors. As you can see from the pictures it was absolutely beautiful and the most intimate wedding setting I've ever been to. The witnesses were limited to mostly family and a few friends, most of us were barefoot, a harp and flute were the only accompaniment, everyone received flower leis at the end of the receiving line and Kim and Buddy released butterflies after the ceremony. It was very cool!
I managed to completely destroy my feet with a pair of cheap sandals. My feet are more accustomed to steel-toed boots than flip-flops and the webbing cut into the tops of my feet with every step. After a few days I chucked them and went barefoot or opted for sneakers again. Apparently I'm a slow learner. This isn't the first time that's happened. In my defense, I usually travel in the winter months when it's not really feasible to break in summer footwear at home. If it's not new shoes it's usually playing barefoot soccer and cutting up the bottoms. I am now taking Lt. Dan's advice in Forrest Gump, "Take care of your feet!"
It's a given that if you travel enough you will experience setbacks and roadblocks. I knew this. I was expecting this. Just, not so soon. At the airport, ready to board my flight to Sydney I was asked for my paper tickets. I thought I had e-tickets for the flight but after a few calls to the travel agency that issued them I discovered that indeed I had paper tickets. The bad news was, they were in a file folder back at home in Wyoming. The good news was was I could buy a ticket with a low-cost carrier the following day for only $360. That 24 hour delay gave me time to think, and I got scared. I finally realized I had no plan once I got to Australia, I had never been there, never seen a map of the city, wasn't aware of the exchange rate, didn't know what to do or where to go or even how I would get there! What was I going to do?
I didn't come up with much of an answer. Not a really good one anyway. Just put my head down, get on the plane and see what happens. Merry Christmas everyone.
Nicely written narrative! It sounds like you had wonderful, if not humbing (in reference to surfing), experience! The pictures are fantastic :-)
I just want you to know I'm stalking i said I would :D
it is always nice to read your stories, and to finally read that you are human and do get scared. You were my hero but now i think i better start looking for someone else :) Stay safe and write often.
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