WELCOME TO TERRY'S WORLD TOUR! Unless you are one of those people who like reading the last page of books first I recommend you open the "blog archive" link on the left. January 2008 is a good place to start.
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Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
A Lamentation
Oh LORD how my thoughts torment me.
How chronic is my torture.
How many are my failures LORD.
How long LORD until my future is revealed?
Many are saying of me,
"He is stronger than I. More adventurous than me."
Oh LORD if they but knew how weak I feel,
how fear follows me everywhere I go.
I climb to high places and imagine the fall.
I gaze upon deadly serpents and imagine the sting of their venom.
Protect me from my defeatist thoughts.
Comfort me from uncertainty.
How long I lay in my bed
yet rest does not reach me. I arise slowly.
When will I find joy my God,
How long until I am comforted?
Where is my companion LORD, who shares my hope?
Am I to live alone forever?
Hear my prayer LORD and answer me mercifully.
Where might my friends be now?
How long must I be alone LORD?
When will your mercy be felt?
My cheeks are wet with tears, my face is downcast.
In silence a battle ensues within me.
Deliver me from sadness Father cast melancholy away.
May joy fill my days, happiness saturate my nights.
Might they see my delight, may I be sought out for a share.
May my strength come from you LORD. You alone calm my soul.
Cast down my enemies, be they doubt and uncertainty.,
break their teeth LORD place their heads below my feet.
Praise you Almighty Father!
the source and giver of hope.
You lift up those who are down.
You give strength to the weak.
You answer prayers uttered in secret.
You are my only refuge.
Your presence humbles me,
your love makes me glad.
How chronic is my torture.
How many are my failures LORD.
How long LORD until my future is revealed?
Many are saying of me,
"He is stronger than I. More adventurous than me."
Oh LORD if they but knew how weak I feel,
how fear follows me everywhere I go.
I climb to high places and imagine the fall.
I gaze upon deadly serpents and imagine the sting of their venom.
Protect me from my defeatist thoughts.
Comfort me from uncertainty.
How long I lay in my bed
yet rest does not reach me. I arise slowly.
When will I find joy my God,
How long until I am comforted?
Where is my companion LORD, who shares my hope?
Am I to live alone forever?
Hear my prayer LORD and answer me mercifully.
Where might my friends be now?
How long must I be alone LORD?
When will your mercy be felt?
My cheeks are wet with tears, my face is downcast.
In silence a battle ensues within me.
Deliver me from sadness Father cast melancholy away.
May joy fill my days, happiness saturate my nights.
Might they see my delight, may I be sought out for a share.
May my strength come from you LORD. You alone calm my soul.
Cast down my enemies, be they doubt and uncertainty.,
break their teeth LORD place their heads below my feet.
Praise you Almighty Father!
the source and giver of hope.
You lift up those who are down.
You give strength to the weak.
You answer prayers uttered in secret.
You are my only refuge.
Your presence humbles me,
your love makes me glad.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Another Dream Come True
"The life of a writer is absolute hell compared with the life of a businessman. The writer has to force himself to work. He has to make his own hours and if he doesn't go to his desk at all there is nobody to scold him. If he is a writer of fiction he lives in a world of fear. Each new day demands new ideas and he can never be sure whether he is going to come up with them or not. Two hours of writing fiction leaves this particular writer absolutely drained. For those two hours he has been miles away, he has been somewhere else, in a different lpace with totally different people, and the effort of swimming back into normal surroundings is very great. It is almost a shock. The writer walks out of his work room in a daze. He wants a drink. He needs it. It happens to be a fact that nearly every writer of fiction in the world drinks more whiskey than is good for him. He does it to give himself faith, hope and courage. A person is a fool to become a writer. His only compensation is absolute freedom. He has no master except his own soul, and that, I am sure, is why he does it."
From "Boy" by Roald Dahl (author of Charlie & the Chocolate Factory and James and the Giant Peach)
I can relate to Roald Dahl's words here. Writing is not merely typing letters on a page, its the physical manifestation of the author's thoughts and ideas. Writing is re-telling a story-which in turn, feels like re-living that story. Depending on the story, it can take a lot out of you. I've found it exhausting at times to maintain a blog while also keeping up with my own personal journal writing. It may sound like whining, but hey-it's my blog and I'll whine if I want to.
This October I joined Fauna Forever, a long-term wildlife and ecotourism monitoring project in Southeastern Peru where I volunteered as an assistant herpetologist. For five weeks I was looking for reptiles and amphibians in the Amazon Basin. The following is a blog entry I wrote halfway through the trip.
Snake Expectations
I came to Peru to catch snakes. That’s why I’m here, not for the scarlet macaws, giant river otters or howler monkeys. Not for the exotic food or pretty butterflies. My motive is clear, my agenda is straightforward; I quit my job, left my hometown, crossed the equator and joined Fauna Forever to catch snakes in the Amazon. I listed no second choice on my volunteer application, I was either joining the herpetology team, or I wasn’t joining at all.

Green tree viper (Bothriopsis bilineata)
When I arrived, I was excited to meet up with Brian, the lead herpetologist and Dave-who had spent time on the herp team previously-and talk snakes. Just how many would we see? Which ones can I expect to see? How often will we see them? Dave assured me we’d see “loads” of them and Brian agreed when I asked about Imantodes, a certain species of tree snake, it wasn’t if we’d find it but how many we would find.

Blunt-headed tree snake (Imantodes cenchoa)
A week later, we hadn’t seen any and Dave sang a different tune. He reluctantly confessed he had a hunch I wouldn’t see a single snake for my entire stay. It was certainly plausible. We’d been out every night running transects and surveying our trails with nothing to show for it but various species of frogs. By this time I’d begun to doubt my decision to come here. I obviously hadn’t done enough research, hadn’t asked enough questions. I must not have run the numbers correctly before I came. I desperately wanted to prove Dave wrong, but I’ve been on enough walks through rainforests all over the world to know snakes are not easy creatures to spot.

Liophis reginae
I wasn’t completely naive to the difficulty of finding something so elusive and secretive in the vast expanse of an Amazon rainforest. With a million and one places for a snake to hide, where do you begin to look? For the most part the forest is two-toned, green above ground and brown on the forest floor. How then are we supposed to find the local snakes which are predominantly green and brown? Back home I’ve had trouble finding my pet python in my bedroom before. And it was four meters long and bright yellow!

Ornate snail-eating snake (Dipsas catesbyi)
Ten days after my arrival I denied there being any snakes in the forest at all, despite the local guides coming back each day with photos proving otherwise. I was angry with myself for getting my hopes up, I was resentful of the Amazon-whose mere name conjures up visions of giant anacondas and deadly bushmasters-to be honest, I was a little depressed. But I was hopeful. I went on night walks, I brought my snake hook each night thinking maybe tonight will be the night, I quizzed Brian to see which trails cut through the best snake habitat and I was praying for rain, a lot of rain.

Brian and I with a Yellow tailed cribo (Drymarchon corais corais)
The rain came and we still hadn’t found anything. Until finally, while walking a trail late at night Brian froze and immediately dove into the leaf litter and came up with a cat-eyed snake (Leptodiera annulata.) Finally! We all took turns admiring it and taking pictures, if only that snake knew how much we longed to find it! Shortly afterwards on the same trail I spotted a green tree viper (Bothropsiosis bilineata) in a tree. The curse had been broken!

Whipsnake (Chironius multiventris)
From that day to this, our last day at Explorer’s Inn, I’m happy to say not a day has gone by without seeing a snake-sometimes three or four in one day! We’ve found somewhere around sixteen or seventeen snakes so far representing about fifteen species from a six inch long Xenopholis to a monster, seven foot long Drymarchon. Before I came, I made a mental list of snakes I wanted to see and after finding a tree boa (Corralus hortulanus) in our bungalow tonight I’ve now seen them all.

Amazon egg-eating snake (Drepanoides anamolus)
It has been an unreal experience and just when I think it can’t get any better, the forest shows me something that takes me by surprise. It’s almost as if the forest was testing us, seeing just how badly we wanted to see its inhabitants. And now, deeming us worthy, it’s removed its veil and we’ve been allowed an unparalleled view of some of the animals I love the most in this special setting. I’ve seen snakes I have wanted to see for years and I’ve seen snakes I never knew existed.

Tree frog (Hypsiboas punctatus)
I am able to appreciate my surroundings better now that my initiative has been accomplished. I find joy in many things I couldn’t before; like the way the forest flowers smell at night, waking up to howler monkeys in the early morning, a clear starry sky, observing Anolis lizards eating crickets, doing my laundry next to a scarlet macaw, watching giant river otters as they catch fish, chocolate-covered bananas at dinnertime, the sound of approaching rain and yes, even the pretty butterflies.
So for anyone visiting the rainforest hoping to encounter reptiles or amphibians, I encourage you to be patient, be persistent and pray for rain!
I stayed at two different lodges, Explorer's Inn and Reserva Amazonica. This was written during the last day at Explorer's. Another two weeks at Reserva brought more of the same. We added to our list of species including five more snake species we hadn't found at the previous lodge. A realization hit me one day that I have become a herpetologist. No longer are we young boys chasing snakes in our backyards, the research here goes on to be published in scientific journals, in books and may be taught in universities. And yet, I'm having just as much fun and get just as excited as when I was a young boy chasing snakes in my backyard! Probably more!!

Juvenile black caiman (Melanosuchus niger)
I did see more than just snakes. One day while I was measuring a frog on one of our daytime transects, Brian came over the radio and said there was a giant anteater going in our direction. A couple seconds later and sure enough, here he came crashing through the trees and vines straight for us! I also camped out at a nearby oxbow lake with Krystle and we woke up to find eight giant river otters catching fish and eating them within thirty feet of us.

Amazon tree boa (Corallus hortulanus)
On our last night searching for snakes we found our sixth Blunt-headed tree snake (Imantodes cenchoa,) the most beautiful Amazon tree boa (Corallus hortulanus) I've ever seen, an armadillo and a jaguar! The cat sighting was very brief. It was perched on a log that had fallen across the trail when I picked up it's eye-shine. I froze on the trail, flashlight pointed on the cat and urgently whispered to the others, "Jaguar! Jaguar! Jaguar!" He watched us for a couple seconds and then sauntered off into the darkness. Initially we assumed it was probably a marguay-a smaller, less common species of cat. However, after looking at photos and considering the size of the animal I'm more confident that it was in fact a jaguar.

Rhinobothryum lentiginosum
I can't tell you how surreal an experience it is to be in an environment like that, encountering animals I've only seen or read about in books. Some animals I didn't even know existed! It blows my mind that there is a seven foot long cribo out there right now eating all the frogs and opossums he can find. Or that jaguars prowl undetected through rainforest I lived in and walked through on a daily basis. Its so easy to think of the world in terms of where we live but there is so much out there we haven't seen yet. I often think of a quote my friend and fellow climber Willy wrote after climbing Mt. Rainier he said, "Some things He has made, which are so terrible, so awesome and so beautiful, that I marvel that man be allowed to look upon them!" I couldn't agree more.
From "Boy" by Roald Dahl (author of Charlie & the Chocolate Factory and James and the Giant Peach)
I can relate to Roald Dahl's words here. Writing is not merely typing letters on a page, its the physical manifestation of the author's thoughts and ideas. Writing is re-telling a story-which in turn, feels like re-living that story. Depending on the story, it can take a lot out of you. I've found it exhausting at times to maintain a blog while also keeping up with my own personal journal writing. It may sound like whining, but hey-it's my blog and I'll whine if I want to.
This October I joined Fauna Forever, a long-term wildlife and ecotourism monitoring project in Southeastern Peru where I volunteered as an assistant herpetologist. For five weeks I was looking for reptiles and amphibians in the Amazon Basin. The following is a blog entry I wrote halfway through the trip.
Snake Expectations
I came to Peru to catch snakes. That’s why I’m here, not for the scarlet macaws, giant river otters or howler monkeys. Not for the exotic food or pretty butterflies. My motive is clear, my agenda is straightforward; I quit my job, left my hometown, crossed the equator and joined Fauna Forever to catch snakes in the Amazon. I listed no second choice on my volunteer application, I was either joining the herpetology team, or I wasn’t joining at all.
When I arrived, I was excited to meet up with Brian, the lead herpetologist and Dave-who had spent time on the herp team previously-and talk snakes. Just how many would we see? Which ones can I expect to see? How often will we see them? Dave assured me we’d see “loads” of them and Brian agreed when I asked about Imantodes, a certain species of tree snake, it wasn’t if we’d find it but how many we would find.
A week later, we hadn’t seen any and Dave sang a different tune. He reluctantly confessed he had a hunch I wouldn’t see a single snake for my entire stay. It was certainly plausible. We’d been out every night running transects and surveying our trails with nothing to show for it but various species of frogs. By this time I’d begun to doubt my decision to come here. I obviously hadn’t done enough research, hadn’t asked enough questions. I must not have run the numbers correctly before I came. I desperately wanted to prove Dave wrong, but I’ve been on enough walks through rainforests all over the world to know snakes are not easy creatures to spot.
I wasn’t completely naive to the difficulty of finding something so elusive and secretive in the vast expanse of an Amazon rainforest. With a million and one places for a snake to hide, where do you begin to look? For the most part the forest is two-toned, green above ground and brown on the forest floor. How then are we supposed to find the local snakes which are predominantly green and brown? Back home I’ve had trouble finding my pet python in my bedroom before. And it was four meters long and bright yellow!
Ten days after my arrival I denied there being any snakes in the forest at all, despite the local guides coming back each day with photos proving otherwise. I was angry with myself for getting my hopes up, I was resentful of the Amazon-whose mere name conjures up visions of giant anacondas and deadly bushmasters-to be honest, I was a little depressed. But I was hopeful. I went on night walks, I brought my snake hook each night thinking maybe tonight will be the night, I quizzed Brian to see which trails cut through the best snake habitat and I was praying for rain, a lot of rain.
The rain came and we still hadn’t found anything. Until finally, while walking a trail late at night Brian froze and immediately dove into the leaf litter and came up with a cat-eyed snake (Leptodiera annulata.) Finally! We all took turns admiring it and taking pictures, if only that snake knew how much we longed to find it! Shortly afterwards on the same trail I spotted a green tree viper (Bothropsiosis bilineata) in a tree. The curse had been broken!
From that day to this, our last day at Explorer’s Inn, I’m happy to say not a day has gone by without seeing a snake-sometimes three or four in one day! We’ve found somewhere around sixteen or seventeen snakes so far representing about fifteen species from a six inch long Xenopholis to a monster, seven foot long Drymarchon. Before I came, I made a mental list of snakes I wanted to see and after finding a tree boa (Corralus hortulanus) in our bungalow tonight I’ve now seen them all.
It has been an unreal experience and just when I think it can’t get any better, the forest shows me something that takes me by surprise. It’s almost as if the forest was testing us, seeing just how badly we wanted to see its inhabitants. And now, deeming us worthy, it’s removed its veil and we’ve been allowed an unparalleled view of some of the animals I love the most in this special setting. I’ve seen snakes I have wanted to see for years and I’ve seen snakes I never knew existed.
I am able to appreciate my surroundings better now that my initiative has been accomplished. I find joy in many things I couldn’t before; like the way the forest flowers smell at night, waking up to howler monkeys in the early morning, a clear starry sky, observing Anolis lizards eating crickets, doing my laundry next to a scarlet macaw, watching giant river otters as they catch fish, chocolate-covered bananas at dinnertime, the sound of approaching rain and yes, even the pretty butterflies.
So for anyone visiting the rainforest hoping to encounter reptiles or amphibians, I encourage you to be patient, be persistent and pray for rain!
I stayed at two different lodges, Explorer's Inn and Reserva Amazonica. This was written during the last day at Explorer's. Another two weeks at Reserva brought more of the same. We added to our list of species including five more snake species we hadn't found at the previous lodge. A realization hit me one day that I have become a herpetologist. No longer are we young boys chasing snakes in our backyards, the research here goes on to be published in scientific journals, in books and may be taught in universities. And yet, I'm having just as much fun and get just as excited as when I was a young boy chasing snakes in my backyard! Probably more!!
I did see more than just snakes. One day while I was measuring a frog on one of our daytime transects, Brian came over the radio and said there was a giant anteater going in our direction. A couple seconds later and sure enough, here he came crashing through the trees and vines straight for us! I also camped out at a nearby oxbow lake with Krystle and we woke up to find eight giant river otters catching fish and eating them within thirty feet of us.
On our last night searching for snakes we found our sixth Blunt-headed tree snake (Imantodes cenchoa,) the most beautiful Amazon tree boa (Corallus hortulanus) I've ever seen, an armadillo and a jaguar! The cat sighting was very brief. It was perched on a log that had fallen across the trail when I picked up it's eye-shine. I froze on the trail, flashlight pointed on the cat and urgently whispered to the others, "Jaguar! Jaguar! Jaguar!" He watched us for a couple seconds and then sauntered off into the darkness. Initially we assumed it was probably a marguay-a smaller, less common species of cat. However, after looking at photos and considering the size of the animal I'm more confident that it was in fact a jaguar.
I can't tell you how surreal an experience it is to be in an environment like that, encountering animals I've only seen or read about in books. Some animals I didn't even know existed! It blows my mind that there is a seven foot long cribo out there right now eating all the frogs and opossums he can find. Or that jaguars prowl undetected through rainforest I lived in and walked through on a daily basis. Its so easy to think of the world in terms of where we live but there is so much out there we haven't seen yet. I often think of a quote my friend and fellow climber Willy wrote after climbing Mt. Rainier he said, "Some things He has made, which are so terrible, so awesome and so beautiful, that I marvel that man be allowed to look upon them!" I couldn't agree more.
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